I stopped by a dried fruit stand, described Hassan to an old merchant loading his mule with crates of pine seeds and raisins. He wore a powder blue turban. 我停在一个卖干果的小摊前面,有个年老的商人戴着蓝色的头巾,把一袋袋松子和葡萄干放到驴子身上。我向他描述哈桑的相貌。
A fine and delicately soothing powder made from maize starch, with blue chamomile& aloe vera to help protect the skin. 纯净细致的柔滑爽身粉,主要由玉米粉制成,添加了洋甘菊与芦荟来保护幼儿的肌肤。
Naomi Watts managed to pull off this daring powder blue dress. With containing ash red for the center, shallow bice is downy whole set, the amorous feelings that decorates thereby had interest and all show elegance. 内奥米·沃兹身上的这条特别的浅灰蓝色长裙引人注意。以含灰的红为中心,浅灰蓝色柔和了整个系列,从而装饰之风情有了意趣而又尽显典雅。
When she returned to our house in "The Ghetto" of the University of Dayton, she told us of the floods and how her powder blue Beretta had been destroyed. 当她回到我们在代顿大学的“贫民窟”时,她给我们讲了关于洪水的事,以及她在洪水中毁坏的粉蓝色贝里塔车。
Research on the Production of Super Pure Iron Concentrate with a Powder Iron Concentrate DECOLORIZATION OF METHYLENE BLUE BY HETEROGENEOUS FENTON REACTION USING TITANOMAGNETITE 用某铁精矿粉制取超纯铁精矿的选矿试验研究钛磁铁矿异相Fenton法对亚甲基蓝模拟废水的脱色研究
Azure is particularly expensive, as the powder blue, sky blue is too precious to have "Once the storm clouds break at" the reputation. 尤以天青为贵,粉青为上,天蓝弥足珍贵,有“雨过天晴云破处”之称誉。
The first is the second paragraph of green is the third paragraph of the powder is blue, three of them the same design. 第一款是绿的第二款是粉的第三款是蓝的,它们三款图案一样。
Blue, light yellow and the pale powder was already obsolete, pure yellow, apple green, dark blue and perse, even scarlet isochromatic is the utilization are many. 蓝、淡黄及淡粉已经过时,纯黄、苹果绿、海蓝和深灰色,甚至大红等色系运用较多。
Comparison of Ultrafine Tungsten Powder Produced by Hydrogen Reduction of Blue Tungsten Oxide and Violet Tungsten Oxide 蓝钨与紫钨氢还原法生产超细钨粉的比较
Coarse grain tablets, hidden in order to ink& paint alone into a glaze, but also hypertrophy, there is powder blue, pale blue, and light-colored several teeth. 纹片粗硬,隐以墨漆,独成一宗釉色,亦肥厚,有粉青、月白、淡牙色数种。
Studies on the characteristics of coarse-grained W and WC powder made from blue tungsten oxide 以蓝钨为原料制取的粗颗粒W粉、WC粉特性的研究
New technology for the preparation of ultra-fine active zinc oxide powder by comprehensive utilization of blue power 综合利用蓝粉制备超细活性氧化锌新工艺
Produced active carbon powder had the following properties: average methylene blue adsorption was 23 ml and Iodine number was over 1 000 mg · g~ (-1). Efficiency of alkaline recovery reached to 86%. 试制出的粉状活性炭亚甲兰脱色力平均为23ml,碘吸附大于1000mg·g-1,碱回收效率达86%。
Production of Tungsten Powder from Blue Tungsten Oxide by H_2 Reduction 蓝钨氢还原制取钨粉
Solid paraffin and carbon powder doped with Prussian blue chemically modified electrode and detection of hydrogen peroxide and hydrazine hydrate 普鲁士蓝掺杂固体石蜡碳糊电极及过氧化氢和水合肼的测定
In an undisturbed column experiment, the nitrogen leaching losses in the powder soil and blue clayey paddy soil was studied by applied urea with new nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethyl pyrazole phosphate ( DMPP). 采用小粉土和青紫泥原状土柱种植青菜,研究了尿素添加DMPP(3,4-二甲基吡啶磷酸盐)硝化抑制剂对土壤氮素淋失的影响。